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Electroshock Weapons Course







This civilian class is designed to teach the average person the basics on functionality of electroshock weapons as it relates to self-defense. You will be introduced to different types of devices, including stun guns, stun batons, and conductive energy weapons (CEWs; TASERs/PhaZZers). We will teach you how stun gun and TASER technology affect the human body, what makes a stun gun effective, advantages and disadvantages of electroshock weapons, legalities and much more!


Anyone looking to utilize stun guns or TASER devices for self-defense should absolutely take this course. You should treat an electroshock weapon like a firearm. You wouldn’t rely on a gun without proper training and practice, would you? In order to maximize your safety, it is necessary to understand the fundamentals. We will teach you everything you need to know.


You will NOT be “tazed” in this class unless you volunteer. Voluntary exposure requires an additional cartridge, which is $20 more. There is also the option of being drive stunned as well. The first cartridge will be used for deployment drills. Please consult with your doctor if you have any medical conditions (e.g. heart, respiratory, etc).


Cost of course: $75 (includes 1 dart cartridge)

Pre-payment is required to secure your spot

Limited to 15 spots per class

Course length: 2 hours


Topics covered


Stun Guns/Batons:


What is a Stun Gun?

Physiological Effects of Stun Guns

Voltage vs. Amperage

Stun Batons

Stun Gun Myths

Laws & Restrictions

Advantages and Disadvantages of Stun Guns

Conductive Energy Weapons:


Stun Guns vs. Conductive Energy Weapons (CEWs)

Neuromuscular Incapacitation

Types of CEWs

Power Sources



Probe Deployment and Drive Stun